Monday, June 22, 2009


I'd thought I wasn't going to do much this Litha, maybe light a few candles and try not to get eaten by bugs. I missed sunrise, which would have been an ideal time for this little mini-ritual, and then we had a spectacularly abortive yard sale. I was inside thinking that Midsummer in Florida is not really all that kind to humans bred for something more... Brittish... when Auds came and invited me to her friends' little party down in Palm Coast.

"Little" is a relative term. Twenty or more people that I didn't know all came and all brought food, and then there were literally hours of eating before we got to the ritual. It was too hot most of the day, so we waited until after sundown, and then had a really nice led-circle honoring the Sun in the dark after it's setting. Ha! I haven't been in a hybrid circle in ages-- open to all, but with a definite shape of things and a defined leader, defined words to say. We all said our lines, and I do like a good call-and-response, but we didn't raise energy, and I sort of missed the toning and singing and movement that my Regulars usually do. But it was a lovely and beautiful ceremony, even with the bugs and the blinding heat and the humidity. P took pictures during the Faerie portion; I wonder if there's any faeries-on-film?

I know what I asked for in the season to come. I hope I was heard.

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